A key reason why startups fail is the
lack of a market for their offering. Other top reasons include running out of
cash, having the wrong team, or their inability to overcome competition,
according to a novel report released today. Of course, there is often more than
one reason for any failure.
“One of our most popular research briefs of
all time was our compilation of startup failure post-mortems,” says Anand Sanwal, CEO of CB Insights. “A common question/request we received after
publishing it was whether we could analyze all of them to see if there were
recurring reasons cited for startup failure. And so we finally bit the
bullet and analyzed each and every post-mortem to see if we could distill out
those reasons.
“This type of analysis hasn’t been done before; the
result of sifting through what is now 101 startup failure post-mortems can be
seen in our new report.
“After reading
through every single one, we’ve learned two things.
- One
– there is rarely one reason for a single startup’s failure,
- And two – across
all these failures, the reasons are very diverse.
“And so after sifting
through these post-mortems, we identified the 20 most frequently cited reasons
for failure. Since many startups offered multiple reasons for their failure,
you’ll see that our tables highlighting the top 20 reasons doesn’t add up to
100% (it far exceeds it).”
#1 – Building a
solution looking for a problem, i.e., not targeting a “market need” (42%)
Tackling problems that are interesting to solve
rather than those that serve a market need was cited as the number one reason
for failure in a notable 42% of cases.
#2 – Ran out of
cash (29%)
Money and time are finite and need to be allocated
judiciously. The question of how should you spend your money was a frequent
conundrum and reason for failure cited by failed startups.
#3 – Not the
right team (23%)
A diverse team with different skill sets was often
cited as being critical to the success of a starting a company. Failure
post-mortems often lamented that “I wish we had a CTO from the start, or wished
that the startup had “a founder that loved the business aspect of things”.
#4 – Get
outcompeted (19%)
Despite the platitudes that startups shouldn’t pay
attention to the competition, the reality is that once an idea gets hot or gets
market validation, there may be many entrants in a space. And while obsessing
over the competition is not healthy, ignoring them was also a recipe for
failure in 19% of the startup failures.
#5 –
Pricing/Cost Issues (18%)
Pricing is a dark art when it comes to startup
success and startup post-mortems highlight this difficulty in pricing a product
was not too high or too low to make money in context of the particular costs of
a company.
#6 – A “User
Un-Friendly” Product (17%)
Bad things happen when you ignore a user’s wants and
needs whether done consciously or accidentally.
#7 – I got this
product. Now I just need a business model (17%)
Failed founders seem to agree that a business model is
important – staying wedded to a single channel or failing to find ways to make
money at scale left investors hesitant and founders unable to capitalize on any
traction gained.
#8 – Poor
Marketing (14%)
Knowing your target audience and
knowing how to get their attention and convert them to leads and ultimately
customers is one of the most important skills of a successful business. The
inability to market was a function of founders who liked to code or build
product but who didn’t relish the idea of promoting the product and came up in
14% of the startup post-mortems.
#9 – Being
inflexible and not actively seeking or using customer feedback (14%)
Ignoring users is a tried and
true way to fail. Tunnel vision and not gathering user feedback are fatal flaws
for most startups.
#10 – Release
product at the wrong time (13%)
If you release your product too
early, users may write it off as not good enough and getting them back may be
difficult if their first impression of you was negative. And if you release your
product too late, you may have missed your window of opportunity in the market.
#11 – Lose Focus
Getting sidetracked by
distracting projects, personal issues, and/or general loss of focus was
mentioned by 13% as a contributor to failure.
#12 – Disharmony
with Investors/Co-founders (13%)
Discord with a cofounder was a
fatal issue for startup post-mortem companies. But acrimony isn’t limited to
the founding team, and when things go bad with an investor, it can get ugly
pretty quickly.
#13 Pivot Gone
Bad (10%)
Pivots like Burbn to Instagram or
ThePoint to Groupon can go extraordinarily well. Or they can be the start of a
path down the wrong road.
#14 – Lack Passion and
Domain Expertise (9%)
There are many good ideas out
there in the world, but 9% of startup post-mortem founders found that a lack of
passion for a domain and a lack of knowledge of a domain were key reasons for
failure no matter how good an idea is.
#15 – Location,
Location, Location (9%)
Location was an issue in a couple
different ways. The first was that there has to be congruence between your
startup’s concept and location. Location also played a role in failure for
remote teams. The key being that if your team is working remotely, make sure
you find effective communication methods; else lack of teamwork and planning
could lead to failure.
#16 – No
Financing or Interested Investors (8%)
Tying to the more common reason
of running out of cash, a number of startup founders explicitly cited a lack of
investor interest either at the seed follow-on stage (the Series A Crunch) or
at all.
– Legal Challenges (8%)
Sometimes a startup
can evolve from a simple idea to a world of legal complexities that can prove
to be a core cause of shutting a startup down.
– Do not use your connections or network (8%)
We often hear about
startup entrepreneurs lamenting their lack of network or investor connections
so we were surprised to see that one of the reasons for failure was
entrepreneurs who said they did not properly utilize their own network.
– Burn Out (8%)
Work life balance is
not something that startup founders often get and so the risk of burning out is
high. Burn out was given as a reason for failure 8% of the time The ability to
cut your losses where necessary and re-direct your efforts when you see a dead
end was deemed important to succeeding and avoiding burnout as was having a
solid, diverse and driven team so that responsibilities can be shared.
– Failure to pivot when necessary (7%)
Not pivoting away or
quickly enough from a bad product, a bad hire or a bad decision quickly enough
was cited as a reason for failure in 7% of the post mortems. Dwelling or being
married to a bad idea can sap resources and money as well as leave employees
frustrated by a lack of progress.
What's next from CB Insights? "The Top 20 Reasons Why Startups Succeed?" That's the report we'd all like to see.
CBInsights is a National Science Foundation-backed
data-as-a-service firm that collects information on private companies and their
investors and acquirers. CB Insights data and technology is used by firms
to make better marketing, procurement, lending, acquisition and equity
investment decisions and to gather data-driven market and competitive
intelligence. The firm's data is regularly cited by leading media
publications including the New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Fast
Company among others. The full report on Startup Failure can be found here.